Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Whoops! and the five year plan realized.

Well, they read my blog and I got fired.
HA! No, my superiors are too nice for that. I actually quit. Long story short, moved to LA with the wife, she had a job set up through an agency, the agency fell through and she got an opportunity back east, and after looking at the five year plan, (what an evil idea that is, whoever came up with that is both brilliant and evil like doctor claw from inspector gadget but with less flying car) we had to rush and decide that our best options would be to move home for long term job prospects, money, family blah blah blah and all the other stuff that we don't like to think ahead for unless we have to, and unfortunately we had to. So sad! But I'll be damned if a second trip across the US in a short period of time will stop me from trying. So! This blog will be dedicated, continued, to the things I learn and see about the working world and everything, cause I feel like of all the people I know I am really good at making mistakes and blundering into things, so by jove I shall pass on this wonderful learning experience.

So, thing to learn from this blog. The five year plan and why it is important.
Thinking ahead really sucks, can't lie about that. If I had stayed in LA, who knows what would have happened. LA is much like a very large gamble, where it is the people you meet and ... well, the people you meet that make you who you are and put you where you will go. Oh, yea, you have some say, but not a whole lot. I mean if you want to make up an imaginary friend or some illustirous sock puppet with whom you can join in social occasion it is likely that at the end of the day that they will be unable to forward you on to the next job, whereas your fellow employers and who they know, will. So, as I say, LA is one large gamble. One job leads to the next, and you will have to get a new job as though it were a yearly ritual. Quite the stress causer. But people put up with it all. Why? I have my theories. Number one being, yes, sunlight. I think the massive infusion of sunlight all the time with no rain makes people impervious to overworking, overstressing, and general mal-content. Think about it. How many times have you almost kicked down your bosses door to quit on a rainy day? You can't out there. Granted there is a hazy period in the mornings where the oblivion of daily life weighs you down, but those above you tend to roll in a little later after the sun has come out and, well frankly, your sunlight infusion, much like a big glass of sunny delight, has by then made all your cares go away. That's just my scientific observation.
But additionally, there are a billion people who want to huddle near the spotlight just for the sake of being there, so the buisiness can work people hard for not a lot of money beacuse if you feel like you are getting the short end of the stick there is someone right behind you who is willing to not only take the short end of the stick but the trunk, ground and rootball of the tree too but tuppence a day. *Side note: Tuppence = Not a lot of pay, but in a British funny ha ha sort of way. The more you know!*
My my, I do ramble.
But back to my original ramble. People don't ever REALLY think about the 5 year plan. Where they want to be in 5 years usually is just thier work position. But it is really the following, so if you plan on doing the 5 year plan follow this guide:
1) Work position, yea I know I just said it wasn't the only thing, but it is important. Now with work position, this means in 5 years will you be doing something you LIKE. The catch for this is, you need to also think about NOW. Are you doing something you like? Will it still be something you like in 5 years? Does it have dynamic enough to keep you interested? Granted if you are still interested in 5 years you are probably gold for another 50. Woo retirement eh?
2) PAY! PAY PAY PAY. How much do you take home to the bank? But I will come back to this, I just had to get it out there.
1.5) AGE: Odd thing to say, but there it is. How old will you be in 5 years? Me? I will be 27 + 5 = 32. Damn, 32? That is pretty old. Well, not really, but still, it means retirement is only 30 ish years away. So on to 1.6
1.6) At said age, what do you want? For example. Kids, house, boat, single, married. Here is a helpful chart for what you want at that age vs. income level.:
Single : You can be poor as ass. Hell you can live out of a cardboard box because the wife won't be yelling at you to clean up your mess.
Married: You can NOT be poor as ass, and you can NOT sadly, live out of a cardboard box. Basically when you get married you will have to take your prior standard of living (Dormitory, socks and underwear on floor) and her prior standard of living (Sorority house, moderately clean, cute with crap on the wall) and times it by like 80 = 2 room apartment, clean, safe neighborhood, dinner on the table and so on. And YES this is proportional. If you both live in nice apartments now, you will need *she will want* a bigger nicer one, and if you were both living by yourselves it is reasonable to guess you will need a house. And so on. Doom to the checkbook.
Kids: Yes kids come before house. And yes you may say well you have to feed kids and plan for college and all that, but then if you think about it... house. You can park a frikkin car in it. Can you build a porch on your kid? No. Point made.
House: Its a house. It will make you poor.
Boat: If you can afford a boat. You are very not poor. But you will need a lot of money, or a trailer hitch, some dark clothing, wire cutters and a loose moral fiber.

So, once you decide what level you want to be at in 5 years by age, you are good to start thinking. 32 = House and maybe kids by then. Yes I know that is backwards from the list, but you can skip a level and come back to it. You can own a house before you get married. Hell if you can get a boat before marriage I recommend it! Lets her know what comes with the package.

And now we are back to 2) PAY. You need to be able to afford these things. Can you, by the time alloted, earn enough money to be there? Dunno? Best think about it. I know that for my age I am several rungs down the ladder on the pay scale, esp. since I was just making 8$ an hour in LA. So I am going to need to find some heavy pay to get up to par. So we shall see.

But that is basically the five year plan, or how much of it I can remember as I haven't eaten yet and tend to get a little lost reading my own typing. But I hope it helps map out a bit.

But like I said. I am moving to the east. I am very sad about this, but believe financially and for the sake of family it will be for the best. If it had worked out differently I would have stayed, but it didn't and there is no use lamenting. Laminating, yes, cause sometimes you just want stuff to look nice, but not lamenting. So my next blog will be about how to have fun crossing the US. Cause, well, it is! All with it's big balls of yarn, pioneer farms and other crazy tourist stops on the way. 50 hour drive. Should be fun.

To be continued.


Unknown said...

Keep on truckin'

You should feel honored, I have never steadily read a blog before.

See you at kickball next week.

Mafouski said...

I did the same thing. Enjoy the cross country excursion once again, and actually hit up the parks and sites along the way, it makes the 50 hours actually tolerable. And as patrick said, I too never steadily read a blog, kudos.