Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What a SET PA does.

Alright, the Set PA was a doll and allowed me to see her to do list for the ENTIRE WEEK. Whoopee! It doesn't include in and out times, but I might be able to add that later. But check it out. I have deleted any sensitive info but you should be able to get an idea of the tasks and added in my own notes where necessary.


-Unlock all doors

-Label dressing rooms (guest cast)

-Put scripts and start paperwork in guest cast rooms

-Turn on work lights and air conditioning

-Collect daily timesheets (Timesheets = recorded work hours for people)

-Stand-by for talent during production meeting (Prod. Meeting = Important peeps reading script)

-Pass out/collect new actor paperwork (All the guest cast needs to do contracts.)

-Place 2 vouchers in box for stand-ins (Random paperwork task)

-Re-read script during pre-read and table read (Table read = cast reads script)

-Highlight all SFX in script during pre-read and table-read.

-Distro call sheets for next day (Call sheet = who what where when list done each day)

-(Insert random paper task here)

-File callsheet for next day in bin and clipboard

-Check/Make sure to file: Script, Schedules, call sheets, Prod. Reports and voucher skins for the prior week.

-Turn off work lights

-Call office when last actor leaves

-Put ALL walkies back on charger

-Lock up


-Unlock all doors and trailer rooms

-Label dressing rooms

-Put scripts and start paperwork in guest cast rooms

-Turn on work lights and air conditioning

-Collect daily timesheets

-Put hot bricks in podium (Hell if I know, sometimes you just need a brick)

-Distro script revision (Distro = Distribute. The SAT's would cry if they had tears.)

-Put 2-4 scripts and vouchers in stand-in box

-Pass out/collect new actor paperwork

-Eat breakfast while standing by outside for talent (HAHAHAHA. I find this funny.)

-Help Assistant Director coordinate wardrobe fittings (Note, you are not dressing them.)

-(Insert random paper task here)

-Put 6 chairs in front of each set for run-thru and 3 scripts in Network Executive room during rehearsal after lunch

-Turn air off for run-thru

-Distro call sheets for next day

-File callsheet for next day in bin and clipboard

-Paperclip Central Casting Sheets and return to gate on VanNess

-Turn off work lights

-Call office when last actor leaves

-Put ALL walkies back on charger

-Lock up

*Run power and play sound effects if necessary


-Unlock all doors and trailer rooms

-Put scripts in new guest cast rooms

-Turn on work lights and air conditioning

-Collect daily timesheets

-Pin callsheets and schedule to 3 corkboards

-Put hot bricks in podium (Again with the bricks!)

-Put 2-4 scripts and vouchers in stand-in box

-Distro script revision

-Pass out/collect new actor paperwork

-Walk fire line onstage (Sometimes you just gotta live on the edge!)

-Turn air off for run-thru

-Turn red light switch in sound booth ON for run-thru

- Put 6 chairs in front of each set for run-thru and 3 scripts in Network Executive room during rehearsal after lunch

-Help Assistant Director coordinate wardrobe fittings

-Distro call sheets and Block & Shoots for next day

-Call office when last actor leaves

-Call necessary people with call time for crew on Thurs.

-File callsheet for next day in bin and clipboard

-Make sure timecards are stocked

-(Insert random paper task here)

-Turn off work lights

-Put ALL walkies back on charger

-Lock up


-Unlock all doors and turn trailers on

-Turn on air conditioning

-Collect daily timesheets

-Pin callsheets and schedule to 3 corkboards

-Put hot bricks in podium (You think that thing would have caught fire by now. Maybe it is like a sauna. Lucky bastards!)

-Walk fire line onstage (This one is a risk runner)

-Put 4 scripts and vouchers in stand-in box

-Distro shooting scripts

-Put Block & Shoot schedule with scripts:

* On each podium and in make-up trailer

*In dressing rooms

*4 in Network Executive Booth

*4 in Stand-in box

-File call sheet and Block & Shoot schedule

-Distro callsheets for next day

-(Insert random paper task here)

-Proof read (Insert random paper task here)

-(Insert random paper task here)

-Call office when last actor leaves & you leave

-(Insert random paper task here)

-Get make-up timesheets from trailer when lock-up

-File call sheet for next day in bin and clipboard

-Turn off work lights

-Put ALL walkies back on charger

-Lock up

*Keep wrist bands on clipboard all day to distro to crew without badges

*Announce over walkie “today’s wristband colors”

*Take 3 schedules & call sheets to Sound Dept


-Unlock all doors and turn trailers on

-Turn on air conditioning

-Collect daily timesheets

-Pin callsheets and schedule to 3 corkboards

-Put director chair out by trailers for security (We don't want no Directors wandering around all over the place now do we? Who knows what would happen!)

-Put Block & Shoot schedule:

* On each podium and in make-up trailer

*In dressing rooms

*4 in Network Executive Booth

*4 in Stand-in box

-Walk fire line onstage (You are lucky to be alive missy! This is the last time I call the fire dept. to save your reckless ass!)

-Make 3 copies of script

-Pass out daily timesheets for following week (or put in bin)

-Distro call sheets & scripts for next week

- Get daily script sheet from Person

-Tell dept. heads time for Prod. Mtg. on Monday

-Call office when last actor leaves & you leave

-File call sheet for next day in bin and clipboard

-File Block & Shoot schedule

-Paperclip Central Casting Sheets and return to gate

-Get make-up timesheets from trailer when lock-up

-Turn off work lights

-Put new names on dressing room doors

-Put ALL walkies back on charger

-Lock up

(And that is all folks! )

1 comment:

Distinguished Professor Mark Helms, M.C., P.I. said...

Sounds like what I do before 6 am every day just for fun before my morning warmup.