Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Day in the Life of... Holy Crap Dinosaurs!

Mmmm, does anyone remember that show Dino-Saucers about Dinosaurs from space? Freaking kicked ass, that's all I got to say. I think I shall go download it and watch it. I know I should probably feel guilty about downloading shows... but I don't. Reason being is that they are hard as crap to get ahold of sometimes. And in reality, I think everyone who makes them earns too much money anyway, but if I were to really like something I think i would buy it. But if I really hate something I will download it and seed it FOREVER (For those not trained in the art of piracy when you download something you are a leecher, but when you upload something you are a seeder (not the tree) and so when you upload is when you screw people out of their "hard earned" money. Hence by uploading a shitty movie such as the Dragon Ball Z Movie, Made of Honor (chick flick and yes it sucked) or any of Season 2 or 3 of Heroes, you prevent the creators from seeing that much more revenue. Take THAT! Kind of like being savaged by a kitten, but I like to think I make a difference)

But I digress, there are many many shows out there that I loved as a kid, and it tears me up when Hollywood thinks they can make money by creating a slap-shit film based off of one of my childhood idols. And in this case, I refer to GI-Joe. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they broke open the warehouse storing the costumes from X-Men 1 and Batman vs the Abominable Snowman and brought out those shitty rubber suits that they must have freaking had on clearance somewhere, and decided to make a GI-Joe movie.
It makes me want to stab myself....with a gun. Bayonet Style.
And I shall sum up my feeling as thus.
Here is the Trailer:
Now that you have watched it, here is a clip from "Flight of the Concords":

That's right. Their costumes are IDENTICAL!

You know that Cobra Commander? The bad ass guy?
In the movie he is that little shit from 3rd rock from the sun (the son)
And his outfit, because the whole KKK look was not Kosher enough...
they went all Skeletor on his ass. Skeletor plus apparently the blob.
Skeletor meets predator actually. Makes me want to "punch self in crotch"

GI-Joe is the most badass show, I sat down for an episode a year ago and in ONE episode, Cobra Command took OVER AMERICA, and then, in the second half of that HALF HOUR SHOW, Gi-Joe TOOK IT BACK
No show has that much action any more. F-in ridiculous. What is the plot of this movie going to be about, how Cobra Command takes over a f-ing candy factory?
I hate Hollywood they can sit on a dick.

But enough of my rank, I promised drinking games and drinking games you shall have. (Doesn't really make me sound like the best reference for movie critique, but what can you do)

First off one of my personal favorites. Now I've blogged about this one before but I played it again and it still holds strong. Wizards Staff. A game where each time you drink a beer, you tape the empty can to your new beer. Biggest Staff Wins. But I still want to create better rules. Ive seen where people can cast spells, and where they team up to fight a dragon or something every 5 or so beers. The potential is limitless, but I will harness it and create the rules of Awesome.

Second Game: One I created and I do not recommend AT ALL. Memory. Yea, kind of says it all. Sort of like a spiraling out of control drinking game. If you dare risk it, enjoy it.

Thirdly: A few Friend of mine were over the other night and we created, well it doesn't have a name, so I'll call it the singing game. Basically you say a letter in the Alphabet and assign it to someone. They must sing a song starting with that letter in the lyrics, or that start with the Sound (ie. X could be Excellent, or Q could be Cute) and if you can't you drink, and if you can, they drink. Someone always drinks and eventually everyone is drunk and singing like some out of control German Alehouse. Good times ensue.

Fourthly: Now this one I came up with cause my bro was out at the bars by himself, and was bored. Now I have not perfected this one yet, but I believe it will be the best drinking game of all time once I have. Basically the way it would work is you and some Friend go out to a bar. Now each of you prior to then have chosen an "Puppet master" basically a Friend or family member somewhere not there. Then throughout the night, when you encounter things you have to make a decision about you must txt your puppet master, and they make the decision for you. Ordering a beer? I don't think so, Pina Colada please and don't forget that umbrella! Think she's cute? Too bad you're talking to her ugly friend! Have to go to the bathroom? Hold it! And stop asking cause the answer isn't going to change! And so on and merriment ensues like the make your own adventure books never foresaw.

Fifthly: A game that works a little better with text messaging cause you only text 2 words. That's right kids. Red light, Green light. Now I'll explain how this worked when I did it and you can have fun too. I was out with some Friends and my bro when I conceived this idea, and my bro (kudos to him for being awesome and sticking this one out) and basically the game ran like this. I would text my bro red light. And when he got that text, he would have to stop. Until he got Green light. Now this amused me for awhile cause he was a trooper and would stop mid conversation with a girl to stare straight ahead until he could move again. The real fun began when I got a bit tipsy and started giving out his phone number to random people and telling them about the game. So I would be wandering through the bar and spot him dead still in the middle of a dance floor or just stuck in a corner somewhere until someone graciously would send him green light. Bravo Josie. I salute your dedication. So I recommend this game to the troopers out there. Needs some honing but is good times.

Sixthly: This isn't a new game, but still a goodie. Chug a beer. Put a broom on your head and spin 15 times. Throw broom. Jump over broom. Few things in my life have EVER been that funny. Seeing someone throw a broom then turn, look the other way and jump on their face warms my heart like Christmas.

Lastly: I was at a bachelor party last weekend and played a game called Puke. You basically just drink alot. So I shall skip that one and talk about "Thunderstruck by AC/DC" The way you do this is when they say "Thunder" you drink. You don't stop, however, until they say Thunder again, and depending on the version you play, this could be awhile. This is the ultimate way to get pumped up for a night out, and to blow through a case QUICKLY. Enjoy!

And I shall leave you with the highlight of my day. My realization that my feet are too Damned BIG. I took a kickboxing class today for fun, and needless to say there is a big mirror you do stuff in front of. It was like watching a Freaking clown kick box. My tiny little legs offset by giant feet made it look like I was a marionette. Everyone all slick and tight in their movements and my legs are flopping around all over the place and i swear I was floating for a little while, as my legs were just flopping around. Just slap a red nose on me I'm done.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Few new Movies, a few new shenanigens.

Well Well Well. Let us see where life has left us. I could say that I have not blogged lately because I am busy at the new job, just bought a house or am catering to my woman’s every whim, but I think in reality we all know that it was just because I am lazy. But onward and upward we shall go. I still intend to write on a weekly basis, but we shall see if I get off my butt to accomplish this.

Recently I have seen a few movies that have both astounded me (and believe me I have a high astoundment threshold) and ones that have nearly taken me back to the days of my youth when I used to soil myself.

Let us start with the review of one amazing movie. UP. I LOVED this movie. If I could have babies, and could have babies with a movie, and those babies were guaranteed to inherit their movie like genes from UP and go off to make millions of dollars to support my lazy ass, I would have babies with UP. A few things this movie did that were exceptional were the following. The writing was clever, it was better by far than most out there, but held to a very suitable story arc, introducing characters, allowing both main and sub characters to grow, and it developed the plot well. The thing I was TRULY amazed about, however, was the syncing of the writing and the directing. Yes yes, I know, you can’t direct a cartoon, but I have to say, these cartoon actors did a better job than any real actor I have seen in a long time. It would allow the reactions and, and this is the most important part kids, the lines left UNSAID, to dictate what was happening and tell the story. Brilliant. Very few movies do this now where they tell a story by reaction of characters and unspoken words. Most will either hit you over the head with plot, leave out so much dialogue thinking they are clever (but are not) or will make Vampires made out of glitter, which I still cannot understand. They are coming out with a sequel to Twilight you know. 25% more glitter or so I’ve heard. Family pack style. *Sigh*

I also saw the movie TAKEN. Also GREAT, but much more a guy movie with guns and such. Basic plot Leim Nisan's daughter is kidnapped and kills a hundred foreigners to get her back. But done kick ass quasi “24” style. I heard the blue ray disc version of the movie has a body counter that keeps track of his kills. I know what is on my wish list. That’s right, more pants. But I would also like to own this movie. But truthfully, this is one people would like cause it is a badass dad kicking ass in a world gone wrong where he don’t get no respect. It’s like a badass Rodney Dangerfield from Caddie Shack where he is the dad and the world is the Golfer.

Now on to the last of the great movies I have recently seen. I would like to award the unsung hero award of awesome to a movie few people knew came out and was watched by even fewer, and purchased perhaps by one die hard fan and his retarded pet goldfish. The Dragon Ball Z movie. Now I have a list of movies I am required to watch very very drunk, and unfortunately was not in the presence of alcohol when watching this precious Gem. I think my favorite aspect about this movie was that (now remember DBZ is an Anime) every Asian was now white, and the ONLY white guy in the anime is now an Asian. Bravo Hollywood, bravo. I can only assume magic spectacles and lots of money were involved on that decision. A few other amazing things about this movie was the way it promotes female violence. Not in the usual girl on girl way, but in the slap her around way. I think they were trying to shy away from the G rated crowd on that one. The plot completely lacked consistency, people basically teleport around and know crucial parts of the plot with no motivation as though their character had a copy of the script they were allowed to read as a bedtime story and it was basically as awesome and punching myself in the penis and paying for the experience.

I think my personal high point of the movie was where Apollo Creed and Rocky came out and reenacted the end of Rocky 3 to finish up the movie in a basically confusing as possible and rip-off style kind of way.

Other things of interest aside from movies, and yes I suck and am working down a list I wrote about a month ago when I had intended to write this blog. Boo me, but let us continue.

Recently bought a house. And let me tell you, buying something like that is the BIGGEST pain in the ass in the WORLD. For many many many reasons. For starters, I think over time various people for good reasons and greedy ones have orchestrated about as many contracts and “important” pieces of paper in regard to House buying as can be imagined and NO ONE knows what they are all for. I basically recall singing my name to a piece of paper adding extra money for my loan as insurance against “Magical Attacks from Wizards”. Well if I ever go to cash in on the insurance I know what fraud scheme I’m gonna pull. Harry Potter style, woot! (Haven’t seen it yet, don’t spoil it for me)

But I’m happy to own a house even after all the fixes we made the sellers do. And now I have a yard, and am apparently responsible for its maintenance. Nothing against the little lady, but I think she builds it up in her head how good I am at something. I say once how I planted a tree and in three weeks I’m freakin Poison Ivy from Batman being pursued across rooftops and through sewers. This is probably not helped my evening attire and gorgeous long red hair.

But the house is nice, once it is all set in though, it will be party time.

Job is still going well. Getting more and more silly application, and finding strange ones:

Pen Condom:,M1

Push Up Device,503,101

Drink Holder: Figure 2

Money in pocket and bra device

Trap Breath as a Keepsake

Condoms are everywhere

Auto Disrobe

I think it’s a Bjorg ship.

Fig 1, Drowning baby

Picture Condom

My favorite is the last. For those crazy nights out on the town where you just need to recall what happened and with whom. We promote Quality here at the patent office, pure unadulterated Quality.

Also started a new diet (P90X) with the wife. Trying to lose the keg and turn it into a sixer, or perhaps a nice bottle of Chardonnay (I have a very weird shaped body) But all in all the eating right and working out is going well, except that in an effort to stick to it I’m trying very hard to stick to it, so I have consequently pulled a Milton from Office space the day there were like 3 cakes in my office. Stupid birthdays. Stupid King Cones (so delicious). Angry Face! But we strive. I started to forget to shave my beard when I started too, and was thinking I would continue to let it thrive under the premise that I would let it go until I was happy with my weight. That’s right folks I’m doing the diet that turns FAT into BEARD! Here is a graphic representation of how I will look:

I’ll be black with AWESOME, and as a side effect of the diet.

Well that is all for now. Next blog will have the worlds BEST NEW DRINKING GAME and others!